Bild 1 von Sorceress - Cold - Basic - GEAR PACK Hardcore Resurrected Ladder

Sorceress - Cold - Basic - GEAR PACK Hardcore Resurrected Ladder

Item num.: d2rhclkits12

 27,00 € 
21,60 € *

Delivery time: up to 3 days

    Helm: Nightwings Veil
    Armor: Chains of Honor Dusk Shroud
    Weapon: Heart of the Oak Flail 35-39
    Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope 20-24 Resistance
    Shield: Spirit Monarch 35% FCR
    Belt: Arachnid
    Gloves: Magefist
    Boots: Waterwalk
    Rings: 2x Stone of Jordan

    Weapon2: Call to Arms 1-3 BO
    Shield2: Spirit Monarch

    Sorceress Torch 10+/10+
    6x Cold Skill GC


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    Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions. We will respond as soon as we can.
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    * = Required fields