LEGACY Lidless Wall Random Europe Ladder

Item num.: eusclshieldl

0,39 € *

Delivery time: up to 3 days

    Lidless Wall

    Defense: 271-347 (varies)(Base Defense: 50-150)
    Required Level: 41
    Required Strength: 58
    Chance to Block: Pal: 50%, Ama/Asn/Bar: 45%, Dru/Nec/Sor: 40%
    Durability: 70
    Paladin Smite Damage: 14 To 20
    +80-130% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    +1 To All Skills
    Increase Maximum Mana 10%
    20% Faster Cast Rate
    +3-5 To Mana After Each Kill (varies)
    +10 To Energy
    +1 To Light Radius

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